Share With Me

Adding to the wishes for a happy New Year being tossed about freely, I hope you are able to:

Take a minute to call an old friend
Do at least 5 random acts of kindness (preferably outside of the ward/church)
Take a trip or vacation to a destination of your choice.
Complete at least 1 of your New Year;s resolutions.
Make your rent/mortgage with ease.

I’m not one to make resolutions or set goals (I forget within minutes what I set out to do) but these seem like nice things to aspire to in the coming year.

Tell me what you would like to see on this list.

5 thoughts on “Share With Me”

  1. Take some time to peacefully abide, to not worry about the past or future, but to absorb the present.Kind of corny, I know, but something that I value when I actually take the time to do it.

  2. be a more patient mom!!! (as I sit here typing, all wigged out about how needy my little buddy has been all morning)

  3. lessie,is it possible to set a time every day that you can “meditate”. I knew a woman with 7 children, you know the bishops wife who served everyone, taught seminary, blah-blah-blah. but she used to take a nap at 1030 every morning. i thought that is so cool, she can just shut down and take some time for herself. whether or not she was napping…i don’t know but the door was shut and nobody came a knocking. i know you have little ones and doors don’t exist to them but perhaps when you set them down for a nap, you can take that time for yourself. screw the housework! your sanity is more important than a load of laundry.

  4. g.if you didn’t already know this: you are not the only impatient mother out there. if you saw me in action, you’d be sick and converted to patientism. i think the “time_out” prescription for lessie would be good for you too. to be honest, being a more patient mother is on my list of things to aspire to in the coming year. i’m down right bitchy most days after work. the way to conquer my meaness is to work out more. no exercise= bitchy wife and motherexercise=friendly loving and concerned wife and mother.if my body is any indication of my mood, it’s time for a change.btw, your son is so cutey cuta. he always looks so happy!

  5. regarding doors and toddlers and ‘down time’… I was so at the end of my rope the other week that after ‘putting him down for his nap’ I directly went into my room and locked the door. I knew he wasn’t going to stay ‘down’, and also that it was my undivided attention that he really wanted, that is why I locked my door! but when he tried to open it and found it locked and began sobbing about how that ‘makes me sooooo saaaddddd!!!’ I crumpled and went out to him. sigh. some moms seem to be able to do that quiet time thing so well. exercise would be a huge help to me right now. need to get me some of that. hey, that could be a resolution right there!

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